Today I muse....about "pet proofing" your house!

When we have babies or grand babies, we “baby proof” our house.

But what about our pets.

We know we shouldn’t feed dogs grapes or chocolate…or let them eat mistletoe.

But did you know that there could be other hazards lurking in your home that could be dangerous to your pet?

Like something as simple as a barstool.


I introduced you to Mr. Jinx last year….

He really is the most precious kitty.

But he has UT issues and last week had to spend 4 days in the hospital…don’t even ask how much that cost!!!

He came home Monday and seemed to be doing well but I noticed Wednesday he was limping badly. When I messed with his back leg he growled and hissed and I could tell it was swollen.

So back to the vet he went…and sure enough his little leg was broken.

What the heck.

Our vet asked if we had any “slatted” furniture. Seems this is a common injury for outdoor cats caused by lawn furniture and picnic tables….but Mr. Jinx is strictly indoors.

Our bar stools.

The cats are always jumping up onto the bar.

I think he may have jumped from the couch to the bar stool, got his little leg stuck in the gap in the armrest and broke his little leg.

The American Veterinary Medical Association provides an excellent list of home hazards for pets!

Check it out! Great information to have if you are a pet owner!

As far as the barstools…don’t know what I am going to do! I love these bar stools but I love the critters more…so something will have to be done!

Hopefully next week I will have Matt and Hannah’s china hutch finished and delivered…so stay tuned!